Elle Arcie



So, after what seemed like a lifetime in college and studying Biology, I began writing about vampires. I got the idea from Twilight and the nagging question of “What happens when the guy is absolutely nothing like Edward Cullen and is just like every other guy out there?” I had just gone through a horrible break up and since I compared my ex to a blood-sucking leech, why not write about it?

What started out as creative journal became a universe of characters who aren’t really characters at all to me. They are the people in my world that, as crazy as it sounds, I’ve grown to know and love and care what happens to their lives.

I sent the working title to Afghanistan with the troops and it spread like wildfire. No one had one bad thing to say and everyone was asking for the next installment. Now that the world of Daybreak goes beyond the first book and is now a series I can only hope that you will take the plunge and enjoy the journey with me.

What do you need to know?

My vampires can become human again because God had mercy on their souls. But, the leader is a fallen angel who was wrongfully dragged into Hell and has been turning people into vampires to spare them that experience. Once Paul becomes human, they all can become human, and Lorena is the only one who can defeat our fallen angel.

If they survive the demons hunting them and get to the living immortals who can help them hide until… Well, wait and see.

Do you have any amazing stories about your fans? Any favorite fan stories?

“One of my first fans is my late aunt who was so immersed she read the whole book in 3 days then sent it overseas to her husband in the Army. He said one day his base was on blackout and they formed a line and read several chapters of my book page by page passing each page down the line… And neither of them were ever into vampires.

A new fan read the first book and went looking for the second on at her local bookstore and bewildered the clerk because it wasn’t out yet, so they searched for it for ten minutes before they figured it out.

A stay at home mom said they read the whole thing as a pdf on her phone and got irritated because every time she got a text the phone would lose her place.

Some fans liked the book so much they started reading the online drama at flatlinerbooks.wordpress.com and bought season one’s book.”

What’s your favorite thing about being a writer?

When I was little my grandparents literally paid me to be quiet. A quarter for a minute, a dollar for an hour an so forth. Now I get to tell my whole story uninterrupted lol.

Who is your favorite character that you wrote?

Troy, believe it or not. It was daunting because I based him on very real men and it is quite a turn about to be in their shoes having to make Troy into a person again when the real man is still a monster.

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

It was a bucket list item for when I was old and gray and fabulous. I had no ideas for a book or even a short story. But, I started writing after two sentences had been stuck in my head for over a week and I knew if I didn’t write it down I would lose it. Those sentences were about standing in front of a vampire council holding my wrist and trying not to give anyone a reason to kill me. I typed those out, kept typing, and about 3 hours later Chapter 1 was born with notes for Chapter 2. When I got to page 150 I thought to myself, “I guess I am writing a book.”

Do you have any fun facts about your book?

I gave Lorena a twin because I am somewhat of a private person and when I wrote a sentence saying who Lorena would tell about the mess she was in, I being Lorena, though… Who would I tell? I would tell myself, well a younger sassier version of myself that wasn’t in this mess yet. And Lois was born.

Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Neither. When I write it’s like watching a movie in my head that I’m putting down on paper. Watching movies doesn’t energize or exhaust me so neither does writing.

What is your favorite quote?

“Be a Nike and just do it.” – Donna Taylor a past coworker of mine.

Who do you say has inspired you the most?

“When I wrote Daybreak: Flatlined I had just finished reading the Twilight Saga. So I thought, what if Edward was a normal love them and drain the life out of the vampire (which were equated with bachelors at the time), and I was a job (instead of a She’s All That deal). Can you tell I went through a bad break up at the time?”

What advice do you have for aspiring authors out there?

Just get it on paper. Many people have different writing styles, I myself don’t have the whole story figured out before I start and some people need to. But the most important part is getting the story out of you and on paper. Editing, sentence structure, everything else can be done later. If it’s not on paper it’s just a story in your head. Once on paper… that’s when you’re an author.

What’s your favorite part of your own book?

Believe it or not, no one has ever asked me that before. I think my favorite part is when we find out what really happened to Lois since all that Paul and Lorena found was a pool of blood, a strange scent, and a road torn apart and thrown in chunks at Lois as she ran away.

Do you have a writing routine? If yes, what is it?

I mostly write at night. I don’t have much of a routine other than that. My days are full so night time is the only free time for me.

Who is your favorite author and why?

It keeps changing based on what I’m reading and fall madly in love with at the time. The Lunar Chronicles and Red Queen are my current favorite loves, therefore so are their authors.

What are you writing now?

A story that is The Terminator+The Matrix+Ghost in a Shell. Coming along beautifully.

What inspires you to write?

Dreams, recurring ideas, and life experiences.


It’s a wrap!

Make sure to grab Elle Arcie’s Daybreak: Flatlined on Amazon (don’t forget to leave a review 😉), or sign up for her newsletter for updates and freebies! You can also find her on Facebook and Goodreads. 🙂